Head Injury Claims
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Head Injury Claims

Head injuries can be excruciating, with long-lasting effects on your daily life. A head injury could be more frustrating if it were caused by someone else’s mistake. You may have to take sick leave from work, receive medical treatment, or care from your near and dear ones.
- An expert legal advisor can help you make a head injury claim to cover:
- The ache and suffering you have experienced, including the emotional and psychological impact of the injury on you.
- The financial burden like treatment, travel costs, and accommodation in the future.
- To determine whether you are eligible to make a claim, you can speak to our expert legal advisor for free or fill in the secure online contact form, and you will get a callback.
Some examples of head injuries
- Concussion: A head injury often caused by a bump on the head.
- Subdural hematoma: A condition where blood pools between the brain and the skull.
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage: Caused by bleeding on the surface of the brain resulting in a stroke.
- Diffuse axonal injury: When sudden jolt causes broken connections between cells in the brain.
Serious head injuries
Suppose you or your loved ones have suffered from damage that is likely to continue to affect your daily life in the future or will require ongoing clinical treatment. In that case, you may be eligible to ask for assistance to make a serious injury claim.
- An expert legal advisor will consider the impact of your damage while deciding the compensation amount.
- They might also arrange interim payments to cover the immediate cost.
Starting an injury claim
Call our legal expert; it does not mean you are forced to start a claim. Your legal advisor will also be glad to solve any queries and give you all the advice. You will be passed on to a solicitor who will speak to you for free and guide you further. If you do not want, you can drop out.
Claiming on behalf of a loved one
You can claim on somebody else’s behalf. Your legal advisor will try to get them the compensation they would require to pay for medical treatment and expenses and cover special damages.
In case of child injury, a parent or guardian can claim on the child’s behalf, known as a ‘litigation friend’. The child can claim once he turns 18 till the age of 21.
You may also be able to make a compensation claim if you are:
- The dependent or family member of the deceased person.
- The estate of the deceased.
- Claim funeral expenses.