Eye Injury Claims
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Compensation for Eye Injuries

The impact of an eye injury
Eyesight is such an essential part of a person, and any problem affecting it can be highly upsetting. Most people find that their vision naturally gets worse with time and accept this can be part of their life to getting older. In contrast, other people suffer from conditions such as muscular degeneration, cataracts, or glaucoma.
It can often treat the condition on time, and prescription glasses or contact lenses can help with your day-to-day life.
But if anyone suffers from an eye injury that causes a severe effect on their eyesight, we know that this is like a hurdle in life; you can’t enjoy social situations, and it might even affect your career.
It can be incredibly unfair if someone else’s negligence causes you eye damage. In this case, you may be able to make a claim for eye injury compensation to cover the costs and that cause impact on your life.
We can launch claims for compensation against an individual, employer, or another third party.
Making a compensation claim for an eye injury
A compensation claim for an eye injury can be a long and complex process, which is why it’s essential to claim with the help of a professional personal injury lawyer.
It is your right to be paid compensation if you’ve been in an accident that happened because of somebody’s carelessness. It doesn’t mean that you’ll get official recognition of the pain and suffering you have been through by the surgery. It will also help make sure that your finances aren’t affected now and in the future.
If your eye injures happened in a public place, you can claim negligence against the owner or occupier of that space.
Types of eye injuries
Two main categories of eye injuries:
1) Accidental – happened in the workplace, playing sports, road traffic accident, or any other accident.
2) Medical – an eye injury caused by medical negligence, a botched surgery, a failure to spot a condition, prescription of the wrong medicine, or anything else.
Eye injuries caused by accidents
It depends on your case if you claim against a particular person or organization.
You made the case against your employer if you’ve been injured at work, for example, if they don’t provide protective eyewear. Organizations have to make sure that their staff is safe.
You can claim the driver if your eyes are injured in a road traffic accident.
Eye injuries caused by medical negligence
Medical negligence claims are often quite complicated, that can take a longer time than other cases. If you injured your eyes following treatment at a major eye hospital, a private clinic, or a high street optician – if you’ve suffered medical negligence, you have the right to make a compensation claim.
Usually, a three-year time limits to claim compensation, but in medical negligence, the three years starting from the date when the failure became apparent. Sometimes it can be challenging for you to know whether you can make a case for medical negligence or not. The best way is to speak to our legal adviser for free.
The process of making an eye injury claim
Initially, you can talk to our trained legal adviser for free. You can ask any questions to a solicitor and understand the process in more detail. They’ll also help you gather the evidence as well. During your case, they’ll be able to do most of the work for you, so you’ll have the time to focus on your recovery.
If the accident that caused my eye injury was partly my fault?
You may still be able to claim compensation even if the injury you suffered was partly your fault, as long as someone else’s negligence was partly to blame too. It is known as ‘contributory negligence’ though it will reduce compensation amount according to how much the judge thinks about the extent of your fault.
If a person denies that my eye injury due to their fault
Your case will then go to court. Your specialist personal injury solicitor will work hard and make sure your subject stays strong and get you the total amount of compensation as soon as possible.
Should I make a complaint if my eye injury was caused by medical negligence?
If an NHS medical professional caused your injury, you could make a compensation claim through the NHS’s complaints procedure. Its primary purpose is to identify problems and stop them from happening in the future. Under the NHS constitution, you have the right to make a complaint and get a thorough investigation and have information.
How much compensation will I receive?
It will depend on how severe your eye injury is, your expected recovery time, and how it has affected your life. For example, your solicitor will take into consideration:
- Your pain and suffering
- Any loss of savings
- Additional medical treatment or rehabilitation
- Out-of-pocket expenses
- Any adaptations to your home.
- Your solicitor works hard to put all effort into your case; they’ll then gather evidence to ensure you receive the right amount of compensation to reflect this.