Table of Contents
Deed Of Variation (Changing A Will After Death)
A deed of variation, sometimes called a Will after death or family arrangement allows beneficiaries to change their entitlement from the original document.
Would you like to gift your property away and pass it on? A deed of variation can do that for you, but there are some rules. By making changes with the legal document we lay out in this article (and following local closing procedures).
people who inherit their estate could reduce tax bills or even avoid paying any inheritance at all! With such generous benefits available only by way of change through variation deeds,

what’s not worth knowing about these documents?
- What Is A Deed Of Variation?
- Why Would I Need To Change A Will After Death?
- What Changes Can I Make?
- What Changes Can’t I Make?
- What Do I Need To Consider When Making A Deed Of Variation?
- Is There A Deadline?
- What If There Isn’t A Will?
- Can I Use A Deed Of Variation To Change Executors?
- Can A Deed Of Variation Help Minimise Inheritance Tax?
Do you have a question about changing your Will? No matter what the topic, our team has got it covered. Call us on 0141 319 5639 or fill out an online form and we will call back with some guidance!
What Is A Deed Of Variation?
You can change your Will after death with a document called the Deed of Variation, alternatively known as an arrangement or disclaimer. This will allow for flexibility in case circumstances have changed.
Since it was written and you want to do something different than what is specified within this legal contract between family members on how things should go when someone dies intestate without any children who are still alive at least one level up from their closest living relative (spouse).
A deed of variation can be used when someone has died without leaving a Will and their shares in the estate need to be distributed. You have control over which share you want, but other people involved will also have input into how it’s allocated if they’re not happy with your decision. Executors or charities might even get involved too!
Why Would I Need To Change A Will After Death?
There are a lot of reasons why you might want to change your Will, but the most common ones are:
- You don’t need all of your shares and want to give them to someone else.
- You’d want your bequest, or a portion of it, to go to charity.
- Children or grandchildren who were born after the Will was made are not part of it.
- You want to even out the wealth for all beneficiaries, such as if one kid received a smaller portion than the others.
- There is a more tax-efficient alternative to distributing the estate.
What Changes Can I Make?
To ensure that the terms of your inheritance are as flexible as you would want them to be, you can modify only part of it. You could choose anything from a simple to a complicated arrangement.
- Redirect specific assets to other individuals.
- Give up your entire benefit.
- Set up a trust.
We all know that the person you leave your money to doesn’t have be named in a Will, but what if they also need some help with sharing? You can use deeds of variation when changing an estate’s distribution. This means every beneficiary gets together and decides how each other shares will alter before it officially becomes theirs!
What Changes Can’t I Make?
A deed of variation can’t be used to:
- Change the inheritance of others without their permission.
- Give yourself a bigger cut of the inheritance (unless it’s being given to you by another beneficiary who consents to it)
- If you want to change the executors or guardians named in your Will, go through them one by one.
If you’re having issues with an executor – the person charged with administering the estate – we can help you take action to resolve your dispute.
What Do I Need To Consider When Making A Deed Of Variation?
When putting together a deed of variation it’s important to consider the effect on your estate as whole. For example, reducing you share may mean that executors will become liable for inheritance tax so they’ll need agreement too!
Before making any changes, it’s essential that everyone understands the potential consequences and where necessary agrees to everything that is proposed. Potential problems could arise if one of the beneficiaries either doesn’t consent or isn’t legally able-for example they are still a minor.
Is There A Deadline?
When the grant of probate is given, changes can either happen before or after. For tax reasons you have two years from when your loved one died in order to make any needed updates with their estate and taxes will still apply even if it’s an update that has been going on for a while now so be sure not forget about those deadlines!
What If There Isn’t A Will?
If someone dies without a valid Will, they are said to be intestate. This means that the rules of inheritance will apply and it can get quite rigid about who inherits what from whom with very little consideration given for most family circumstances in play here.
You can also use a deed of variation to change how the estate has been divided up under intestate rules. The beneficiaries may choose alter their entitlement in order:
A) To provide more money for charity;
B) To give back something that was originally theirs but is no longer available.
- Make provisions for individuals who are not covered by the regulations, such as unmarried partners.
- Divide the inheritance more equally between them.
- Reduce inheritance tax by minimizing the amount of money you give away.
Can I Use A Deed Of Variation To Change Executors?
If you are experiencing difficulties with your executor, or the named one doesn’t want to take up their duties we can help.
Can A Deed Of Variation Help Minimize Inheritance Tax?
A variation of a will can be useful to reduce both inheritance tax and capital gains liability. You could adjust the distribution of someone’s estate so it’s more tax-efficient, for example by:
- Making the greatest use of present reliefs and exclusions
- Spreading out a larger amount of money among several beneficiaries
- Passing your inheritance to your children without reducing the value is a wonderful way to ensure that they receive all of the wealth you have worked so hard for.
- Donating to charity is a wonderful thing.
A deed of variation can be a way for the loved ones of deceased individuals to take advantage tax reliefs. The person filling out this form will need provide evidence that they are authorized by law or have been granted permission from an administrator in order for these changes to go into effect.
But once it’s done there shouldn’t be any issues with HMRC who should already know what needs updating thanks their original Will!